Our lists reflect live with our database - if you do not see what you need please contact us.
Our lists reflect live with our database - if you do not see what you need please contact us.
All the brands scrolling above and more - We are constantly updating our rental stock. We usually have a browsable list here but we are updating the format over next few days (writing this on Monday 9.12.24). Please use the live chat below or email us for a quick reply to ask if we have what you are looking for- we usually do or can offer an alternative.
We pride ourselves on the breadth of our rental stock and our tenacity in getting unusual requests solved. So need a Hazer, Low Fog, Megaphone, Fake Ice Cubes or a Horse? Just Ask. (Hazers, Low Fog Machines, Megaphones & Ice Cubes are all in stock now - a horse will take a day).
Sometimes you need advice - usually at the begining of a career, but things move fast and you may be asked to do something new and need some input and advice - it’s free and it comes with coffee. Don’t be shy - we all need help from time to time.
*Please read this… it could change your future.
Are we the cheapest? We think so when you add a little time into the equation. To explain let’s ask you a question - Are you the cheapest photographer in your town or speciality? Do you aspire to be the cheapest? Do you aim to market yourself as the cheapest? - if so you need to surround yourself with the cheapest suppliers and that will surely attract the cheapest customers with the lowest budgets - you will work with the cheapest Models, the cheapest Assistants, the cheapest Retoucher, the cheapest product Company, the cheapest Hair & Make-Up and the cheapest Rental House.
As a Photographer you are relied upon to come up with the goods every day - the complexity and load always varies but however big or small your team, when things go wrong there is nobody else to blame as you are at the top of that creative pyramid. However much fun is being had by the myriad of people on a shoot, there is always an end client with a goal and you are charged with delivery of a great result. You need quality people, gear, facilities and people around you to ensure you come up with the goods and attract and retain the quality clients. If lowest cost is your priority then you are likely to stay in the lowest fee part of the industry.
So in the short term, sometimes we may be a little more expensive than someone else (not always) - but running a real Rental House and Studio is not just about taking a Warehouse as a Studio, buying a little gear, cross renting a lot, staffing it with the cheapest people and undercutting your rivals. A real rental house has breadth and volume of stock, the ability to roll with changes as you or your client make creative changes, people who have real product knowledge, and can give advice and opinion (when asked for) and answer their phones in an emergency - when it hits the fan we can usually help:) We help people build their careers, build and retain their client base and grow their fee structure. In short we add value to you, which makes us a great investment for you as we have invested in the facilities, gear and people that support people who aspire to be great or stay great. We can’t do that on the cheap - so if you aspire to be cheap then we probably don’t work for you, because we can’t afford too and keep our standards high. You are not buying sneakers online here - you are looking after a career. We are pride ourselves on building real long term relationships - our clients are not just business - we need support you as we like to work with those who have high standards.
With up to 20 Hours Battery life and everything controlled from the app these tubes help you work fast.
Great for achieving all sorts of effects from a simple hand held fill ,convincing simulations of reflected TV light / Emergency Vehicle Scenes / Paparazzi flashes etc. and complex Film, Stage and Events programmes with Beat Matching.
Tube Dimensions: Ø42 mm x 1035 mm | Ø1.6” x H40.7”
Most of the important features of its bigger brother the Helios is 36W instead of 72W, without wired DMX but with the advantages of fantastic portability
Tube Dimensions: Ø42 mm x 550 mm | Ø1.6” x H21.7”
If you Email us your messages will not disappear into a black hole - you will get a reply quickly if sent during working hours or at the latest very rapidly as soon as we are back in.